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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Powerful Winds Cause Damage to Homes in Murrieta?

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Strong winds displace a roof shingle on a home. We respond to property damage emergencies 24/7 in Riverside County.

Our local Murrieta team is a trusted leader in storm damage restoration services. In June, Murrieta can experience powerful winds and wind damage due to several factors:

Local Weather Patterns: Located inland in Riverside County, we can experience local wind patterns influenced by temperature gradients between inland and coastal areas. During June, temperature differentials can create localized wind patterns, particularly in the afternoons when temperatures peak. These local winds, while not as intense as Santa Ana winds, can still cause damage by knocking down trees, damaging roofs, and causing power outages.

Monsoonal Flow: In late June, Southern California experienced the onset of the North American Monsoon, which is characterized by an influx of moisture from the Gulf of California and the Gulf of Mexico. This monsoonal flow can lead to thunderstorms and localized wind gusts, which may result in wind damage from downbursts, lightning strikes, and microbursts.

Topography: Our proximity to mountainous terrain can also influence wind patterns and intensify gusts. Winds funneling through canyons and mountain passes can accelerate, leading to more substantial and damaging winds in certain areas.

Overall, while June in Murrieta may not typically see as frequent or intense wind events as other times of the year, factors such as local weather patterns, monsoonal flow, and topography can contribute to powerful winds and wind damage during this month.

Please Call Us Today!

When your home or commercial business has a storm damage emergency, our local Murrieta team is Here to Help®. Call us today at 951-894-4392.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

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